International Symposium on Geomatics,
Remote Sensing, and Climate Change in the Arctic,
Antarctica, and High Mountain Asia

September 25-27, 2024, Shanghai, China
Full Program

Date: September 26, 2024, Thursday
Location:Room 410

Opening and Keynote Speeches


Welcome Speeches (Tongji University and supporting societies)


Cryosphere Remote Sensing – Our Approaches through Historical Observations, New Satellites and Ground Sensor Networks

Rongxing (Ron) Li, Tongji University, China


Results and Outlook from the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration

Ted A. Scambos, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA


Arctic Permafrost Research Underway as Part of NASA’s Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE), NSF-sponsored Permafrost Carbon Network (PCN) and TED-sponsored Permafrost Pathways Project

Scott Goetz, Northern Arizona University, USA


Climate Changes in the Three Poles

Deliang Chen, University of Gothenburg, Sweden


Data Science and Machine Learning: A Personal Journey

Asoke Nandi, Brunel University London, UK


Lunch Break (provided by symposium, San Hao Wu Restaurant, see map)


Date: September 26, 2024, Thursday
Location: Room 410

Session 1: Remote Sensing Technology for Monitoring Changes in the Climate and Environment of the Arctic, Antarctica and High Mountain Asia

Session Chairs: Beata Csatho, Gang Qiao


Integration of ICESat-2 Observations into Ice Sheet Elevation Change Record to Investigate Ice Sheet Processes (Invited)

Beata Csatho

University at Buffalo, USA


Subglacial Water Pressure Reshapes Antarctic Contributions to Sea-Level Rise

Chen Zhao

University of Tasmania, Australia


Features of the Structure and Motion of the Ice Sheet in the Area of the Novo Runway (East Antarctica)

Alina Boronina

State Hydrological Institute, Russia


UAV based High Resolution Monitoring of Seasonal Geodetic Mass Balance and Ice Cliff Dynamics Near Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica, Insights from 43rd Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica

Raaj Ramsankaran

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India


Poster Session


Coffee Break


Ice Flow Velocity Mapping and Mass Balance Estimation of Antarctic Ice Sheet, 1960s-1980s (Invited)

Gang Qiao

Tongji University, China


Study on the Velocity and Variation Characteristics of Major Glaciers in High Mountain Asia in Recent Years (Invited)

Shiyin Liu

Yunnan University, China


Velocity Profile of Glaciers of Eastern Nepal using Remote Sensing (SAR) Techniques in the Context of Climate Change

Karan Sah

Kathmandu University, Nepal


Mapping Diverse Interannual Moulin Variability on the Southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet

Yuhan Wang

Nanjing University, China


Welcome Dinner (provided by symposium, Radisson RED Hotel, see map)


Date: September 26, 2024, Thursday
Location: Room 1002

Session 2: Monitoring and Modelling of Permafrost, Snow and Vegetation Interactions in the Arctic and High Mountain Asia

Session Chairs: Yonghong Yi, Jennifer Watts


Understanding Ecosystem Carbon Budgets, Underlying Drivers, and Response to Warming and Disturbance within Permafrost-impacted Boreal Forests

Jennifer Watts

Woodwell Climate Research Center, USA


Responses of Permafrost Carbon Release to Warming in the Arctic and Qinghai Tibetan Plateau

Cuicui Mu

Lanzhou University, China


Local and Regional Impacts of Changing Snow Cover on Permafrost Carbon Loss

Frans-Jan Parmentier

Oslo University, Norway


Cryospheric-Hydrologic Modeling and Prediction of a Mountainous Catchment in the Northeast Tibet Plateau

Hongkai Gao

East China Normal University, China


Poster Session


Coffee Break


Acceleration of Post-wildfire Permafrost Ground Surface Subsidence Under Warming Climate in Canadian Northwest Territories Revealed by Sentinel-1 InSAR

Masato Furuya

Hokkaido University, Japan


Unraveling the Non-linear Relationship Between Seasonal Deformation and Active Layer Thickness: A Comparison Between the Arctic and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Yonghong Yi

Tongji University, China


ARTS – A Scalable Data Set for Arctic Retrogressive Thaw Slumps

Yili Yang

Woodwell Climate Research Center, USA


Various Greening Patterns of Retrogressive Thaw Slumps Across the Different Tundra Ecosystems

Zhuoxuan Xia

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China


Welcome Dinner (provided by symposium, Radisson RED Hotel, see map)


Date: September 27, 2024, Friday
Location: Room 410

 Session 3: Ice-ocean-atmosphere Interactions in the Arctic and Antarctica

Session Chairs: Lu An, Bertie Miles


The Salinity Budget of the Ross Sea Continental Shelf, Antarctica (Invited)

Zhaomin Wang

Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai), China


Progressive Unanchoring of Antarctic Ice Shelves Since 1973 (Invited)

Bertie Miles

University of Edinburgh, UK


Study on the Instability of Two Large Glaciers in Northeast Greenland in Recent 60 Years

Lu An

Tongji University, China


Competing Climate Feedbacks of Ice Sheet Freshwater Discharge in a Warming World

Dawei Li

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


Arctic Sea Ice-Air Interaction

Ruonan Zhang

Fudan University, China


A Quantitative Analysis of Climate Feedbacks in Recent Change of the Southern Ocean and Antarctic Sea Ice

Yanchi Liu

Sun Yat-sen University, China


Deciphering the Shift from Warm-Dry to Warm-Wet Extremes in Ice-Covered and Non-Ice-Covered Regions

Xinlu Chen

Sun Yat-sen University, China


Lunch Break (provided by symposium, Radisson RED Hotel, see map)


Town Hall Meeting: NSFC funding application and support (“海洋科学与极地科学”学科2024年申请与资助介绍,张亮主任,Room 410)


Date: September 27, 2024, Friday
Location: Room 405

Session 4: Sea Ice Change Monitoring, Modelling, and Assessment

Session Chairs: Tiantian Feng, Shiming Xu


Satellite Remote Sensing of Antarctic Sea Ice Mass Balance (Invited)

Shiming Xu

Tsinghua University, China


Technologies and Applications of Polar Air-ice-sea Stereo Cooperative Monitoring

Yinke Dou

Taiyuan University of Technology, China


Super Resolution Method for Passive Microwave Imagery and Its Application to Sea Ice Monitoring

Tiantian Feng

Tongji University, China


Linear Kinematic Features in the Sea Ice Cover Set the Stage for the February 2018 Wandel Sea Polynya

Xi Liang

National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center, China


The Observed Near-Surface Energy Exchange Processes over Arctic Glacier in Summer

Libo Zhou

Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


Predictive Skill of Exceptionally Low Antarctic Sea Ice During 2022-2023 by S2S Models

Jingxu Chen

Sun Yat-sen University, China


An Ensemble Machine Learning Approach for Sea Ice Monitoring using CFOSAT/SCAT data

Yanping Luo

Ocean University of China, China


Lunch Break (provided by symposium, Radisson Red Hotel, see map)


Town Hall Meeting: NSFC funding application and support (“海洋科学与极地科学”学科2024年申请与资助介绍,张亮主任,Room 410)

Session 6: Mass balance in the Arctic, Antarctica and Global Sea Level Change

Session Chairs: Qiujie Chen, Peter Langen


Greenland Ice Sheet Runoff and Links to Greenland Blocking and Arctic Sea Ice – in Reanalyses and across the CMIP6 Ensemble (Invited)

Peter Langen

Aarhus University, Denmark


Data-Driven Modelling of Satellite Radar Altimetry for Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Balance (Invited)

Sebastian Bjerregaard Simonsen

Technical University of Denmark, Denmark


A New Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Dataset of the Entire Antarctic Continent derived from ICESat-2

Changqing Ke

Nanjing University, China


Geodetic Observations of Multi-timescale Variations of the Greenland Ice Sheet

Zhen Li

Innovation Academy of Precision Measurement of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


Poster Session


Coffee Break


Reconciled Estimation of Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance and Contribution to Global Sea Level Change from 1996 to 2021 (Invited)

Rongxing (Ron) Li

Tongji University, China


Recent Advances of Satellite Gravimetry at Tongji University

Qiujie Chen

Tongji University, China


A Spatial-Temporal Adaptive Approach to Evaluating Antarctic Ice Velocity Products

Yuan Cheng

Shanghai University, China


Investigating the Spatiotemporal Correlation Among Surface Melt, Calving, and Ice Acceleration on Pine Island Glacier

Qi Zhu

International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals, China


Dinner (provided by symposium, San Hao Wu Restaurant, see map)


Date: September 27, 2024, Friday
Location: Room 409

Session 5:  Mountain Glacier Changes, Monitoring and Modelling

Session Chairs: Shiyin Liu, Marco Scaioni


Remote Sensing Methodologies Contributing to Monitoring of Mountain Glaciers (Invited)

Marco Scaioni

Politecnico di Milano, Italy


Changing in Climate, Glacier, Hydrology and Impacts of Pakistan Water Tower

Yinsheng Zhang

Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


An Analysis of the Terrestrial Water Storage (TWS) and Its Relation with the Hydro-Political Events in Indus River Basin

Chunlan Li

East China Normal University, China


Investigating the Nonlinear Discharge-Storage Relationship in Permafrost Basins using Remote Sensing and Model Simulations

Huiru Jiang

Tongji University, China


Spatial Downscaling of Global Surface Freeze-Thaw State Based on Multi-source Remote Sensing Data

Defeng Feng

Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


Deep Learning-Based Method for the Extraction of Surface Crevasse in Mountain Glaciers: A Case Study of Yanong Glacier in the Southeastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

Yunpeng Duan

Yunnan University, China


Spatiotemporal variability of Glacier Mass in the Karakoram using ICESat-2 and GRACE data

Chunping Qin

China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China


Lunch Break


Town Hall Meeting: NSFC funding application and support (“海洋科学与极地科学”学科2024年申请与资助介绍,张亮主任,Room 410)

Session 7: Geophysical Modelling for Climate Change and Interpretation

Session Chairs: Tong Hao, Sergey Popov


The Dynamic Tipping Processes of Sedongpu Glacier Detachment and Their Implications for Climate and Remote Sensing Observations (Invited)

Tong Zhang

Beijing Normal University, China


PINNICLE: A Python Library for Solving Ice Sheet Modeling Problems using a Unified Framework with Physics Informed Neural Networks (Invited)

Gong Cheng

Dartmouth College, USA


Recent Russian Geophysical Research in Antarctica (Invited)

Sergey Popov

St Petersburg University, Russia


Relation of the Genesis of Transantarctic Mountains, Rift Structures of East Antarctica and Subglacial Lake Vostok

Alexey Markov

Jilin University, China


Poster Session


Coffee Break


Scientific Rationale for the RINGS Efforts Facilitating Airborne Geophysical Surveys and Relevant Research of the Antarctic Ice Sheet margin (Invited)

Kenichi Matsuoka

Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway


First RINGS Surveys in Antarctica: Probing into Enderby Land and Dronning Maud Land, the Biggest Data Gap in Antarctica

Xiangbin Cui

Polar Research Institute of China, China


Exploration of Subglacial Structures using Focused Ice Sounding Radar Data in East Antarctica

Tong Hao

Tongji University, China


Modelling Study of Snow Darkening Effect by Black Carbon Deposition over the Arctic During Melting Period

Zilu Zhang

Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


Dinner (provided by symposium, San Hao Wu Restaurant, see map)


Date: September 26-27, 2024, 14:40-15:20, Thursday and Friday
Location: Hallway of Room 410

Poster Session

Optimizing Landcover Classification Map Resolutions for Methane Flux Upscaling in the Arctic and Boreal Region

Josh Hashemi

Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany

Interdecadal Glacier Inventories in the Karakoram Since the 1990s

Fuming Xie

Yunnan University, China

Proglacial River Networks in Northern Greenland Mapped from Sentinel-2 Imagery and Copernicus Dem

Yuxin Zhu

Nanjing University, China

Sea Ice Detection Method from Spaceborne GNSS-R Based on ViT Model

Qiyu Feng

Second Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, China

An Important Role of Sea Ice on the Formation of Secondary Aerosols in Antarctica

Guitao Shi

East China Normal University, China

Characteristics of Arctic Summer Inversion and Its Correlation with Extreme Sea Ice Anomalies

Xi Wang

National Satellite Meteorological Center, China Meteorological Administration, China

Projected Future Changes in Cryosphere and Hydrology of a Mountainous Catchment in the Upper Heihe River, China

Zehua Chang

East China Normal University, China

Arctic Middle Level Cloud Properties

Jian Liu

National Satellite Meteorological Center, China Meteorological Administration, China

Hourly Land Surface Temperature Retrieval over the Tibetan Plateau Using Geo-LightGBM Framework: Fusion of Himawari-8 Satellite, ERA5 and Site Observations

Shanshan Weng

Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, China

Annual and Seasonal Variations in Glacier Velocity, and Surging Glaciers in the West Kunlun Mountain

Zhao Zhang

Northwest University, China

Investigating Pan-Arctic Melt Pond Fraction of the Years 2000-2019 using Satellite Data

Jiajun Feng

Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China

Elevation Difference between Altimetry Data and their Relationship with Environmental Factors over the Helheim Glacier

Guangyao Zhou

Tongji University, China

Revealing 1960s ice flow motion of the Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden Glacier and Zachariæ Isstrøm from Historical Satellite Imagery

Litao Dai

Tongji University, China

Firn Correction over the Antarctic Ice Sheets by GSFCv1.2.1 Model

Xiaofeng Wang

Tongji University, China

The Cooling Effect of Rock Glacier on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Insights from Numerical Simulations

Shengtao Lan

China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China

Automated Extraction Boundaries of Non-debris-Covered Glacier in High Mountain Asia: A Deep Learning Approach Leveraging Multi-source Time-Series Remote Sensing Data

Gexia Qin

Northwest University, China

Reconciled Estimation of Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance and Contribution to Global Sea Level Change from 1996 to 2021

Guojun Li

Tongji University, China

Intelligent Data Enhancement Techniques and Applications for Polar Imagery

Zijun Wei

Information Engineering University, China

Deep Learning-Based Spatiotemporal Prediction of Sea Ice Freeboard Considering Meteorological Reanalysis Data

Jikun Liu

Information Engineering University, China

Ice Thickness Estimation of Mountain Glaciers Through Airborne Gravity

Junjun Yang

China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Natural Resources, China Geological Survey, China

Mapping Soil Organic Carbon in Alaska using Multi-temporal and Multi-source Remote Sensing Data

Wei Peng

Tongji University, China

Dramatic Acceleration and Progressive Fragmentation of Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf

Xiaohan Yuan

Tongji University, China

Rapid Declining of Arctic Multiyear Sea Ice Under a Warming Climate and Its Driving Mechanism

Zhen Yu

Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China