International Symposium on Geomatics,
Remote Sensing, and Climate Change in the Arctic,
Antarctica, and High Mountain Asia

September 25-27, 2024, Shanghai, China
Program at a Glance

Symposium venue: Zhonghe Building, Tongji University

Sept. 25, Wednesday

Arrival and check-in

Badge and symposium materials pick up at lobby of Zhonghe Building

Sept. 26, Thursday

Opening session


Symposium Opening

Welcome Speech

Keynote Speeches

Room 410


Lunch Break (provided by symposium, San Hao Wu Restaurant)

Afternoon parallel sessions 


Session 1: Remote Sensing Technology for Monitoring Changes in the Climate and Environment of the Arctic, Antarctica and High Mountain Asia

Session 2: Monitoring and Modelling of Permafrost, Snow and Vegetation Interactions in the Arctic and High Mountain Asia

Room 410

Room 1002  


Poster Session


Coffee Break

Afternoon parallel sessions 


Session 1: Remote Sensing Technology for Monitoring Changes in the Climate and Environment of the Arctic, Antarctica and High Mountain Asia

Session 2: Monitoring and Modelling of Permafrost, Snow and Vegetation Interactions in the Arctic and High Mountain Asia

Room 410

Room 1002


Welcome Dinner (provided by symposium, Radisson RED Hotel)

Sept. 27, Friday

Morning parallel sessions


Session 3: Ice-ocean-atmosphere Interactions in the Arctic and Antarctica

Session 4: Sea Ice Change Monitoring, Modelling, And Assessment

Session 5:  Mountain Glacier Changes, Monitoring and Modelling

Room 410

Room 405

Room 409


Lunch Break (provided by symposium, Radisson RED Hotel)

11:40 Town Hall Meeting: NSFC funding application and support (“海洋科学与极地科学”学科2024年申请与资助介绍,张亮主任,Room 410)

Afternoon parallel sessions 



Session 6: Mass balance in the Arctic, Antarctica and global sea level change

Session 7: Geophysical Modelling for Climate Change and Interpretation

Room 405

Room 409


Poster Session


Coffee Break

Afternoon parallel sessions 


Session 6: Mass balance in the Arctic, Antarctica and global sea level change

Session 7: Geophysical Modelling for Climate Change and Interpretation

Room 405

Room 409


Dinner (provided by symposium, San Hao Wu Restaurant)